Smart Parking

 Finding a vacant parking space during peak hours is very difficult and is a frustrating experience for many drivers especially in central areas of large cities. It is surveyed that average motorists spend nearly four days a year looking for parking spaces. Such delays in parking impair local circulation and lead to more traffic accidents and air pollution.


Parking difficulties mainly result from shortage in parking slots, scattered parking resources and information failure in real-time parking status. And it is now exacerbated by the ever growing number of vehicles globally. The issue can only be resolved via cost effective parking solution.


To strengthen our capabilities and extend business scope from highway tolling to urban mobility solution, we set up a joint venture – Weilong Genvict with Singapore Weilong in 2013. Incorporating Singapore's technologies and experience in smart parking, we are capable of offering:


Scenario-based solutions:


on-street parking and off-street parking;


Automatic fee collection:


the fees can be collected by various criteria, such as time spent, monthly parking;


IOT car parking guidance and management:


real-time data can be collected and displayed on websites, apps and guidance screens to direct the drivers to the nearest parking slots available;


E-management platform:


our platform enables automatic processing and comprehensive data analysis to assist in performance improvement;


Smart park system integration:


our platform can be easily integrated with other smart card parking system, such as e-commerce platform, traffic control platform. In the parking smart city, it is urgent to make smart parking solutions iot to solve parking problem.


Established in 2004, Genvict is a publicly-listed (Stock Code: 002869) high-tech smart intelligent transportation systems companies. We are the leading intelligent transport solutions provider having achieved great success in China's ETC market. Our core businesses are electronic toll collection (ETC), smart urban mobility, and connected vehicles (V2X).


Genvict's headquarter situated in Shenzhen and has 6 subsidiaries, 6 branches and 4 offices, 2 manufactories with one-million-OBU monthly manufacturing capacities, 11 R&D labs cooperating with scientific research institutes, acquiring over 400 patents. We operate in 29 provinces nationwide in China and have businesses in over 30 countries around the world.




What is ETC Transponder?

ITS Applications of UHF RFID Technology

What is Electronic Toll Collection?