C-V2X Related Standard Continues to Evolve, Speeding up V2X Development in China
By October 24, 2020, Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Vehicular Communication Application Layer Phase II, the C-V2X group standard co-drafted by thirty one companies and organizations including Genvict, Huawei, China Mobile and Baidu, finished its solicitation of public opinion. The standard specifies 12 application scenarios and 9 interactive messages. Information service, efficiency, safety, traffic management and intelligent driving are the important scenarios defined in the standard. Day I services mainly focus on the V2V and V2X status sharing, while Day II services emphasize the interaction among vehicles, infrastructure and pedestrians, which reflects the trend towards building Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative System (VICS). It is estimated that at least 1.4 million RSUs will be used in Day II services, with total investment exceeding 100 billion yuan. Genvict has long been aware of the significant impact of autonomous driving on intelligent traffi...